Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  Cigar Galaxy  ·  M 82  ·  NGC 3034
M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians., Jeffbax Velocicaptor
M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians.
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M 82 Starburst - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians.

M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians., Jeffbax Velocicaptor
M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians.
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M 82 Starburst - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians.



Acquisition details



Hi everybody,

We recently published this image of M81 and M82 made in cooperation with Guillaume Gruntz :

I thought that we could take advantage of the depth of the data obtained with his T250 to add a sequence of lucky imaging taken with my T350 on M82 to detail the super clusters located in the core of this galaxy.

The T250 data has been re-stacked by Guillaume using drizzle and the Luminance has been sorted to keep the 10h best. We kept all the Ha data but not the OIII. I added 4h of lucky imaging taken with the ASI 290MM Pro ( 35 000 x 200 ms and 7500 x 1s) through my T350 (Orion 14" customized on Eq-8).

The data has been mixed as usual with photoshop.

As a result, the core shows the massive giant clusters which are well separated, and the long exposure data shows all the Ha extensions. It was not easy to deal with the different scales and resolution from the 2 scopes.

Hope you will like this one.




    M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians., Jeffbax Velocicaptor
  • Final
    M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians., Jeffbax Velocicaptor


Description: A few stars corrected

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M 82 Starburst  - High resolution and deep extensions with 2 backyard newtonians., Jeffbax Velocicaptor